How Ohms works

Ohms helps you make sense of all your data across all your apps. By tracking and analyzing physical and emotional metrics, Ohms uncovers unexpected insights into your well-being.

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Understand your scores

Ohms gives you unique ranges based on your personal history, so these values are just for you. You only compare yourself to your past self, aiming to be the best version of you. Over time, these ranges will change, helping you keep improving or get back on track if you hit a rough patch.

Your Scores are divided into three personalized ranges, showing what kind of day you’re having.

  • High. You’re having a great day. You should only expect some days to be in this category.

  • Moderate. An average day, similar to most. This is the range you should expect to be in most often.

  • Low. Not a great day, pay attention to your activities.

Most days should be in the Moderate Range.

Don’t think of this as gamifying your well-being by aiming to hit 100 every day. The goal is to maintain balance and have most days be positive experiences, ideally in the Moderate Range.

Your unique baseline at the 50th percentile shows how each day measures up. Scores are mapped against this baseline, revealing the positive or negative impacts of each day.

As you grow and change, this baseline adjusts with you, providing a benchmark that reflects your progress.

This evolving baseline can make it harder to achieve a higher score, but that’s just part of life. Every day isn’t a high score day, but when you do have one, you’ll see it reflected in your scores.

The goal is to maintain balance and have most days be positive experiences, in the Moderate Range.

The relationship between the Mind and Body scores.

The mind-body connection is crucial, and it’s important to recognize that your Mind Score and Body Score can sometimes be out of sync. While we often feel our best when our mind and body are in balance, having a good emotional day doesn’t always guarantee a great physical day, and vice versa.

You might feel emotionally happy but physically tired, and that’s perfectly normal. This difference doesn’t mean you didn’t do enough; sometimes, life throws unexpected challenges your way, and that’s okay.

Our well-being is influenced by a complex interplay of factors—what we do, how we do it, and who we spend time with. This is why both the Mind Score and Body Score are essential; they complement each other and offer a more complete understanding of your overall health.

Before Ohms I hadn’t yet come across an app that focuses on more of the everyday things that are in my life.

Body Score

The Body Score ranges from 0-100 and reflects your current physical state by analyzing metrics like Heart Rate Variability, Basal Energy, Sleep, and Exercise. It helps you identify your baseline and highlights patterns in your good and bad days, giving you insights to improve your well-being.

These scores are personal to you, based on your unique data. We use this personalized analysis to find specific opportunities for your improvement, grounded in a science-based understanding of how these metrics impact your physical and emotional well-being.

These scores are personal to you, based on your unique data.

Control what you can, influence what you can’t

Health often seems divided into what we can and can’t control, but the mind-body connection allows us to influence many factors indirectly. For instance, we can directly control our respiration rate, how much we walk, and our sun exposure. These actions can, in turn, impact things we can’t control immediately, such as our resting heart rate, basal energy, and VO2 max levels.

For example, if your heart rate is too high, you can lower it by slowing your breathing (read more about Breathwork). If you’re feeling stressed, a walk in nature can help reduce your cortisol levels. And if you’re feeling tired, getting some sun can boost your Vitamin D and serotonin levels.

By managing the things we can control, we can positively influence those aspects of our health that seem beyond our immediate reach.

Tracking health data is passive, but giving consent to access that data is an active choice.

For your Body Score, Ohms analyzes data captured from your phone and wearables. While the current list of metrics is concise, this is just the beginning, with new metrics being added frequently.

Your devices gather a vast array of physiological data about you passively, requiring no additional effort on your part. So the more data you give Ohms access to the greater the opportunities to uncover unexpected insights for emotional and physical improvement.

Over time, the duration of data collection becomes just as important as the volume. The longer Ohms has to understand how these metrics impact you, the more confident and rich the insights become.

More on our data values

Mind Score

Your Mind Score is a cornerstone of the Intelligence, also ranging from 0-100, providing a quick understanding of your emotional wellness each day.

It considers any aspect of your life that impacts you — your friends, work, doom scrolling, reading, climbing, late night snacking, what ever is important to you—to help you understand what actually boosts your mood or drains you.

Importantly, this score reflects your personal experiences; it’s not an idealized standard. It is based on you and your life, allowing you to make improvements that are relevant and achievable for you.

Importantly, this score reflects your personal experiences, it’s not an idealized standard.

Track the right data for the right results

To get the most accurate Mind Score, it’s important to track the events that impact your emotional well-being. While you can track a wide range of activities, we recommend keeping the daily tracking effort minimal.

We understand how exhausting it can be to log every detail of your life consistently—it often feels like the payoff isn’t worth the effort. Instead, we prioritize your time and focus on the most meaningful data.

Don’t worry about getting everything perfect right away. Over time, Ohms learns the significance of each event and adjusts how they influence your score, ensuring it truly reflects your day.

This helps you identify any gaps in what you’re tracking, so you can expand or replace activities to any that are relevant to you.

Use Correlations to identify key factors

To gain a more detailed understanding of the significant factors impacting your Mind and Body every day, Ohms highlights Correlations over time. You can use these insights to identify consistent patterns—what helps and what hinders your well-being.
The Correlations are categorized into groups that either positively or negatively impact you. Understanding these patterns helps you adjust your approach to life and improve your overall emotional state. However, understanding emotions is not an exact science; we’re complex beings influenced by many conscious and unconscious factors.

The percent confidence indicates how likely an activity is to lift or drain your mood, but it doesn’t reflect the extent of the impact.

A 100% confidence factor doesn’t mean it has a greater effect than a 50% factor; it just means it’s more likely to influence your mood.

Increase the robustness of your insights

There are two primary ways to enhance the robustness of your insights:

  • Frequent Check-Ins. Regularly providing Ohms with more context about your emotional states over time deepens your insights beyond just the numbers.

  • Connecting a Wearable. Using devices like an Apple Watch increases the number of physiological metrics tracked, enriching and improving the accuracy of the data.

It’s crucial to remember that correlation does not always imply causation.

These insights, while valuable, should be viewed within a broader context and not as definitive proof of cause and effect.